Hardening Gained Access
Run the following in the SSH terminal to prevent your Gateway loosing root access unexpectedly.
Pick only what you need
You can paste each block directly into the terminal independently, use only ones your firmware needs. If you don't know, just paste them all. If you get any error messages from a command, just ignore it, it means that command wasn't needed for your firmware version.
# Disable CWMP
uci delete cwmpd.cwmpd_config
uci delete firewall.cwmpd
uci del_list watchdog.@watchdog[0].pidfile='/var/run/cwmpd.pid'
uci del_list watchdog.@watchdog[0].pidfile='/var/run/cwmpevents.pid'
uci commit
/etc/init.d/watchdog-tch reload
/etc/init.d/cwmpd disable
/etc/init.d/cwmpd stop
/etc/init.d/cwmpdboot disable
/etc/init.d/cwmpdboot stop
/etc/init.d/zkernelpanic disable
/etc/init.d/zkernelpanic stop
# Disable CWMP - extra, in case you think it may resurrect
uci set cwmpd.cwmpd_config.state=0
uci set cwmpd.cwmpd_config.acs_url=''
uci set cwmpd.cwmpd_config.use_dhcp=0
uci set cwmpd.cwmpd_config.interface=loopback
uci set cwmpd.cwmpd_config.enforce_https=1
uci commit cwmpd
# Disable Telstra monitoring
uci delete tls-vsparc.Config
uci delete tls-vsparc.Passive
uci delete autoreset.vsparc_enabled
uci delete autoreset.thor_enabled
uci delete wifi_doctor_agent.acs
uci delete wifi_doctor_agent.config
uci delete wifi_doctor_agent.as_config
uci commit
# Disable Telstra Air/Fon WiFi
/etc/init.d/hotspotd stop
/etc/init.d/hotspotd disable
uci delete dhcp.hotspot
uci delete dhcp.fonopen
uci commit
# Remove any default SSH pubkey
echo > /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
# Disable SSH access over wan
uci set dropbear.wan.enable='0'
uci commit dropbear
# Free space for gateways with small flash
find /rom/usr/lib/ipk -type f |xargs -n1 basename | cut -f 1 -d '_' |xargs opkg --force-removal-of-dependent-packages remove